Monday, 27 June 2011

Shades of GREY

Shades of grey is what my husband referred to corruption as. It has, for a long time, been a topic that would be spoken about anytime of the day. Recently a columnist for who I have great respect said if anybody is corruption free he is a 'satya harishchandra'. I was a little disappointed with her but she just stated the truth. It was while I was narrating her article that 'shades of grey' happened.

Black - have I taken my wallet out and slipped anyone money to get work done my way illegally? No. Dark grey - yes - a constable asked me for 'entry' fee at the Karnataka/ Tamil Nadu check post, my boys were asleep in the car and there was no way I was going to ask "why?" or "receipt engey?". Now I can think of so many shades of grey I was a part of - the money we paid to the lawyer to get our home registered included some under-the-table-money, the money the apartment paid the plumber to get a water pipe connected included some under-the-table-money, the pendrive a constable 'requested' when he had to get our verification documents to the HO "floppy corrupt aguthey" .... The list may not be that long but yes I have been a part of some grey shade - and I must say it is just not a good feeling admitting that. And yup! Shades of grey are subjective to go easy on one's conscience (if there is such a thing), I'm sure all politicians think of corruption as light grey if not white - after all, it's for the country's 'development'.

My husband (and I and the family mentally) was recently acquitted in a false traffic offence case. All that because this cop wanted was 5000 Rs for *long story* and when he realised he was not getting a pie he went on to show us how deep the rot ran. It took us 5 years and many many court hearings to be grinning from ear to ear. I very much doubt if us going to court even tickled the cop (though the husband says the cops present at many hearings were pulled up severely by the judge) and no matter what anyone says "waste of time, money, blah blah", that feeling - one of not giving in and standing for what we believe tops everything and makes the whole exercise worthwhile (I speak for the husband also because at the end of the day - he did all the running around and was in the middle of it).

While I will not openly admit how hopeful I am that things will change someday, I am aware that if I accept things as they are and put myself in a shade of grey - that is what my kids are going to believe is a way of life. I hope I can choose to live a shade of grey closest to white if white is not possible, I'd choose that as a way of life.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Did you know? Do you take a stand?

I try keeping abreast with current affairs (if it can be called that because most of the time it feels like stale beer with new packaging) and every time I read an article or watch the news (very rarely these days because they don’t report anymore they contort) a voice in my head has something to say. Always. It cannot be turned off but the good thing is that it has a mute button (I can almost hear my family and friends’ sigh of relief) and it is not always negative. The voice has a bunch of questions, some reasoning to stop those questions and in all likelihood forget the issue, especially if it is something as mundane as a new government reversing decisions made by the previous government. But this voice is not always for or against a topic. But if I take a stand, it will need some debate and persuasion of make me think otherwise. 

I have witnessed both extremes, not informed to taking a stand – people being totally unaware of something like a municipal election but groaning about the useless elected representatives versus some vitriolic letters to the editor / blogs when one takes an extreme stand. 

The reason I ask the question, did you know? do you take a stand? is because I feel even if it doesn’t change things, you are in some way involved in a process. Like (in a really small picture) being informed and having a point of view on day to day civic and environmental issues means you can be involved sometime or to get something done for yourself you don’t have to attract middlemen or be taken for a ride. Thought this might be something to think about ...